The price of an intranet Inside - See the demo

The best investment
for your teams

Are you in charge of internal communications, HR or information systems?
Choose the Intranet Inside offer that's right for you!

Tarifs d'Intranet Inside

Put our team's agility to work for you:

  • Icone direction artistique

    Art direction to create the mock-ups of your future intranet;

  • Icone chef de projet

    A project management team to support you from creation to management of your intranet;

  • Icone nouveautés

    A product department that keeps the solution evolving by deploying new modules;

  • Icone Inside

    A team of Insiders dedicated to the success of your intranet project;

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    Intranet Inside will adapt itself to the size and needs of your organization

    Offre Intranet Inside

    IN SAAS offer

    • Ideal for: innovative startups and daring SMEs
    • Number of users: unlimited
    • Module catalog access: yes
    • Hosting: SaaS on our servers in France
    • Maintenance: standard
    From €890 excl. VAT / month
    Offre Intranet Inside On Premise

    IN SIDE offer

    • Ideal for: enthusiastic ISEs and Groups
    • Number of users: unlimited
    • Module catalog access: yes
    • Hosting: On premise on your servers or ours
    • Maintenance: standard
    On Demand
    Equipe projet Intranet Inside

    Project guidance and
    customer support included!

    More than a simple solution, Intranet Inside will accompany you from A to Z in the assembly, then in the life of your intranet.

    A dedicated project manager advises you on the functional design of your intranet, co-pilots your project and guarantees you a result that meets the expectations of your teams.

    Although the administration interface is very simple, you also benefit from training in its use.

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    Get started now!
    Enhance your internal communications 💎

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